Foreign Language

Yes - you can run Google adverts in almost any country in the world.

But No, Google will not translate them for you.

This from Google Adwords help: Note: Many advertisers ask if Google will translate keywords and ad text into different languages—and no, we do not. The ads will appear just as you've written them. So, for this reason, if you have, say, German customers but don’t feel comfortable creating campaigns in German, we recommend that you seek help from professional translators in order to come up with the best ads and keywords for your customers.

In 2014 is pleased to launch this new Google Adwords translation service.

Using native speakers we can help you translate your advert and promote into foreign countries. French - Russian - Ukrainian - German - Japanese - Spanish* - Chinese

(*two Spanish options available - Adelaide based Spanish language lecturer and US / Ecuador based Spanish speaker working at Ecuadorian Central Bank )

  • Both Spanish to English and English to Spanish translations.

This English Advert:

  • Invest - Eastern Art
  • Recognised and emerging artists
  • Works of quality

These keywords:

"investment art"
"south east asian art"
"collectable artworks"


Becomes this French advert:

  • Investir - l'Art Oriental
  • Artistes reconnus et émergents
  • Des œuvres de qualité

Become these keywords:

"art investissement"
"art oriental"
"art collectioner"

  • $330 base fee for to upload up to 5 adverts into your account.
  • $330 per foreign language advert package below:
  1. English advert translated into foreign language using our professional native speakers
  2. Up to 10 foreign language keywords
  3. A short invitation in same foreign language - for placement on the advertiser website - to contact advertiser through the email form on their site - so either a native speaker OR the advertiser can arrange to contact them re: their enquiry.
  4. Discount for multiple languages

Please contact us for details.